Thursday, March 18, 2010

My World of Dogs

"Whoever said, you can't buy happiness, forgot little puppies". -Gene Hill

......One of my favorite quotes I've ever came across. Truly who can really deny that feeling, of bringing home a brand new, whether young or old, puppy dog? The same feeling, no matter what age we are, is almost the same for everyone. We may try to tell ourselves just before we go and see it, that "we're just going to look", or that "we aren't going to get our hopes up", however....oddly enough in most cases, we find ourselves driving home somehow, with a stowaway cradled in our arms, and at the same time calling up our friends, family, husband or wife within moments of our "just browsing" episode, exclaiming "Guess what...I got a puppy!?" You have to wonder if somehow those eyes of theres were born with a somehow "magical spell". However whatever "spell" it might be, most of us can agree, that regardless of any faults or inconvienences we may face.....(the training, the vet bills, the food costs, and the many unnecessary "petsmart" pitstops, where we constantly convince ourselves that our dog absolutely needs some"new and different" dog toy, because the ones he or her already have aren't good enough, (according to our standards anyways)..... they, without a doubt, ARE worth it. Because even after they've managed to chew your brand new Manolo Blaniks pumps, or your recently purchased Cole Hann loafers, they somehow, with just one simple roll over on their backs, can cause you to forgive in a shorter time span than you ever thought humanly possible.

I personally, along with my wonderful husband, Kolter, are the proud owners of four preciously, love-spolied dogs. They, with there very diverse, different personalities, to say the least, have stolen our hearts in all different ways, with each, having there own very different "charms". I know many people who write "blogs" write about many different things, some serious, some silly and comical, and others who are serious and deep. With dogs I feel theres so many different things that they can play a role in, as far as our emotions go. Whether we find them to be our inspiration for the things we love, or on a more serious note, finding ourselves suddenly dealing with a tragedy in our own lives, and turning to them we find comfort, not because they totally understand what maybe going on, but somehow they find a way to never leave our side, so we never find ourselves"alone". Or maybe we somehow find ourselves lonely needing companionship, or perhaps we just want to fill our world with one more thing to love. No matter what the reason for our want or need to open up our home to these unique, precious beings, they somehow always seem to of come "at just the right time". I feel that dogs, have a way of perhaps not maybe being our whole world, but somehow finding a way that makes our world whole.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I just wanted to comment and say that enjoyed reading your inaugural blog post and totally agree! :) We love our puppies too!
